Where Change Begins

There are some things that we have the ability to change ourselves.  And if we are having trouble making changes, there are probably a hundred thousand books and articles that will supposedly tell you how.

But there are some things that we do not have the ability to change ourselves.  There are some changes that only God can make.  For instance, no matter what we do, we do not have the ability to save our own soul.  God had to do something to make that change a possibility for us, the change from damned to saved.

That’s an extreme example, but within that example is a principle.  We are powerless to make supernatural changes, but that doesn’t mean that God does not call us into His process.  For instance, when we read the Apostle Paul teach us in 1 Corinthians 6:20, 20…you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, we are not instantly changed into a person who no longer thinks of ourself first.  Our decision making does not instantly glorify God in all we do.

God works through us, transforming us through the power of the Holy Spirit as we surrender more and more of ourselves to Him.  Surrendering more to Him requires taking more and more steps of faith, of trusting Him with more and more of our time, thoughts and service.

But how do we do that?  Where do we begin?  We begin, in the mind.  Paul taught me that I am not my own, okay, so now what?  I believe it.  It’s important to distinguish the difference between believing and understanding. 

It’s easy for me to understand that Jesus purchased me, it’s another thing entirely to believe it, but many people don’t make the distinction.  They believe that understanding and believing are the same thing, but they are not. 

Understanding is adding knowledge.  This is a good thing.  Proverbs 18:15 says, 15 The mind of the prudent acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.  But knowledge doesn’t DO anything.  That’s the difference.

Not only does belief do something, belief ALWAYS does something.  I know I have been bought with a price.  I have that knowledge.  What I do with that knowledges defines what I believe.  Paul says that since I have been bought with at price, my duty, IF I am a follower of Jesus, is to glorify God in my body, which means to glorify God in the things I do, the things I say and the things I think about.

However, if I don’t glorify God, why should I, or anyone else believe I am a follower of Jesus?  Even though true followers never follow or glorify God perfectly, the attempt is ever on their mind and evident in their actions.

So, let us not lose heart in doing good…(Galatians 6:9), and to think about who we belong to before we speak and before we do whatever we do.

Much love!

Wes LeFlore (918) 607-8489 or huskerwes1@gmail.com