To Be Wanted

In a recent lesson, I was making the point that God doesn’t need us, but that He wants us.  I was trying to make the point that being wanted was better than being needed, but I’m not sure that I communicated what was in my heart fully regarding this wonderful truth.

As is often the case, sometime later I though of what I wished I would have said.  I’d like to share that now along with some additional thoughts.  I hope it is beneficial to you.

Can you imagine the implications of what it would mean if God needed us?  It would mean that God has a deficiency.  It would mean that He’s not all powerful.  It would be a weakness, and God doesn’t have weaknesses.

Because He does not need me, but in spite of this still prefers to have me around, fills my heart with joy and love and I hope it does the same for you.

The other thought that I had was this: I wonder if the people in our town know how great our desire is for them to be a part of the Lord’s church.  Are we communicating that?

My though is, if it means so much to me that God doesn’t need, but wants me, wouldn’t it mean something to people in our community to know that we want them to be a part of our family?  Of course it would.

And then I remembered words spoken to me many years ago, “Wes, I would really like it if you would come to church with me on Sunday.”

It’s not an understatement to tell you that those words completely changed my life.  Don’t underestimate the power of being wanted.

Lord give us Your heart so that our desires are the same as yours!  And help us to communicate to a lost and dying world how much you want them.

Think of someone.  Pray for someone.  Invite someone.

Much love!

Wes LeFlore (918) 607-8489 or