Some of My Favorites

In the month of December, we’re going to take a short break from our ongoing study of Matthew.  For the four Sundays of December, we will have a four-part series called, “Prepare for 2022.”

Each week we’re going to look at teachings from the Old Testament that will prepare us to live as God intends His people to live.  The lessons are some of my favorites.

I don’t approach this teaching, or any teaching for that matter, from the standpoint of, “I’ve got all of this figured out, so now I’m gonna tell you how to do it.”  Not at all. 

As the new year approaches, I want to learn and grow and develop into a person that is ready and willing to do what God is calling me to do.  I have the same desire for you.

My old supervisor from the corporate world used to say, “Do something, even if it’s wrong.”  He said that because there were so many people in our work environment that simply wouldn’t make a decision.

I agreed with him wholeheartedly that people needed to take action.  I disagreed with the, “even if it’s wrong,” part.

As God’s people, we’re called to action.  We’re called to DO SOMETHING.  But wonderful news for us, we don’t have to wonder if it’s right or wrong.  We have a guidebook that helps us with that.

I can’t wait to dive into God’s Word with you this month and be inspired by God to take action in ways that are honoring to Him.

Let’s prepare for 2022 together, in a Biblical way.  I can’t wait to begin!

Much Love,

Wes LeFlore (918) 607-8489 or