Overwhelmed by Grace

This week was an especially difficult week of study for me.  I truly felt all of the limitations of an unseasoned minister.  What do I mean?

I attempted to do something that I rarely ever attempt – a topical sermon!  I don’t understand how so many other preachers do it.  Not only did I attempt to do a topical sermon, I attempted to put together a topical sermon about the implications of the resurrection of Jesus!

I pulled it off, kind of.  I did tons of research and formulated an outline that had four major points.  That’s not so bad.  The trouble I ran into was that each major point that I developed had no less than five sub-points, which, could have all been major points themselves.

I actually finished a sermon outline complete with PowerPoint presentation that included twenty-four points.  Because I worked so long and so hard on it, I tried to convince myself to preach it.  In the end, I couldn’t do it.  I could’ve preached that sermon for three hours.

During one of the Apostle Paul’s sermons, do you remember the young man that fell out of the window and died? (Acts 20:9) His name was Eutychus.  He fell three stories to his death.  Why?  The NIV Bible says that the young man fell into a deep sleep as Paul talked on and on.

Looking at my outline, that’s all I could think of. 

So, what did I do?  I thanked God for the great time in study that I spent with Him this week.  I thanked Him for the depth of knowledge that I gained.  I thanked Him for the multitude of wonderful realties that are ours to enjoy because Jesus rose from the dead.  I encourage you to go on a similar journey of exploration through your Bible.  I assure you; you will be overwhelmed by grace.

I then took a deep breath, chose a text with three wonderful verses regarding the resurrection and I started over.

Thank you for your patience with me.  In the words of Jon Anderson, “I’m just an old chuck of coal, but I’m gonna be a diamond someday!”

Much love!

Wes LeFlore (918) 607-8489 or huskerwes1@gmail.com