Nehemiah – Someone Like Us

I love to study the Book of Nehemiah.  Frankly, there isn’t any Book of the Bible that I don’t love to study, but each has its own wonderful distinctions. 

The distinction that I enjoy most about Nehemiah is that he is very similar to us.  Sure, there can be arguments made to the contrary.  You could argue that we have virtually nothing in common at all with Nehemiah.  But there is one very specific spiritual way that we can relate to Nehemiah.

Nehemiah wasn’t like those great men of faith who came before him.  How so?  Like us, God did not speak directly to Nehemiah. 

That’s not to say, of course, that God didn’t speak to Nehemiah.  But God spoke to Nehemiah in the same way that He speaks to you and me today – through His inspired Word.

Like us, Nehemiah had to search the scriptures to discover what God desired and then he had to take steps of faith to live his life and to take necessary action and make necessary changes based upon what he knew God desired.  That’s exactly how we have to operate today when it comes to God.

Another reason why I love Nehemiah is that he is fully human, and as such, he was capable of accomplishing great things with God’s help but he also made great mistakes.

To finish off our “Prepare For 2022” series, we’re going to look at how we should be like Nehemiah and how we should not be like Nehemiah.

Just a friendly re-cap of this series, which are all available any time for you on our YouTube Channel:

  • Part One: Lead Like Jonathan
  • Part Two: Commit Like Josiah
  • Part Three: Slay Like Samuel
  • Part Four: __________ Like Nehemiah

Can you guess what goes in the blank?

Much Love and happy 2022 planning!

Wes LeFlore (918) 607-8489 or