There are many lessons to learn from the life of Moses. Allow me to draw your attention to one of those lessons.
Like Jesus, we know very little of Moses’ formative years and we know very little of his life after he murdered an Egyptian and fled Egypt. Then one day, everything changed for Moses. In Exodus chapter three, God spoke to Moses from the midst of a bush that was on fire but not burning up.
At eighty years of age, God called Moses into His service. What does Moses’ age at the time of his calling teach us? Truly, not much. The Bible has examples of God calling the young, of God calling the middle-aged and of God calling the old.
The common thread of those whom God calls into his service can be found in Exodus 3:10-11, God said to Moses,
10 Therefore, come now, and I will send you to Pharaoh, so that you may bring My people, the sons of Israel, out of Egypt.” 11 But Moses said to God, “Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt?”
Three little words within this passage reveal God’s chief criteria when choosing his servants. Moses said to God, WHO AM I?
What does this reveal? It reveals to us that Moses possessed the chief of all virtues, humility. Moses knew that he was not worthy to be the servant of God Almighty, and he was right, but despite his unworthiness, God called Moses to his service anyway.
Moses wasn’t able to do what God wanted accomplished, so what did God do? He helped Moses along the way.
The good news for us is that even though we are not worthy of being the servants of God Almighty, He calls you and me to His service as well. Like Moses, we can’t accomplish what God wants accomplished, but like Moses, God helps us along the way as well.
Moses made many excuses to God before entering into His service. We make many excuses as well. There is no shortage of ways to get out of the service to which God is calling you, but know this: God rejects your excuses just as He rejected those of Moses.
What excuses are you currently making as to why you are not serving Him? Moses served God from age eighty until he died at the age of one-hundred and twenty. Moses is one of my heroes and I have set my life goal to serve God as Moses did until the day I die. How about you?
Let’s serve not as long as we are able, but as long as God enables us.
Much love!
Wes LeFlore (918) 607-8489 or