Do You Know Someone?

Do you know someone who used to worship at this church?  Do you know someone who used to visit?  Was it in the recent past or the distant past?

Are you willing to invite that person or persons to come back?

Many people fear personal evangelism, but to those people I would encourage them to simply extend a face-to-face invitation to someone to come to worship services.

You might even do what was done for me by a family many years ago and offer a ride.  I wouldn’t have gone if not for the free ride.

In our current series, “The Last Week,” as we examine a lot of the things that Jesus said and did in His last week prior to His crucifixion, I think the lessons will be life changing.

Not because I’m teaching them by any means, but because of the things that Jesus said and did that week.  The study has already blessed me and I anticipate even more blessings as a result of this study.

The mark of a good evangelist isn’t someone with great eloquence and wit, but rather, they do what Andrew did in John 1:40-42

40 One of the two who heard John speak and followed Him, was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother. 41 He found first his own brother Simon and said to him, “We have found the Messiah” (which translated means Christ). 42 He brought him to Jesus

As the minister of this church, my goal is to reveal Jesus through Holy Scripture.  What I encourage you to do, is to do what Andrew did; Bring people to Jesus.  Not to me.  To Jesus.  I will do the best I can to present Jesus as the Bible presents Him, and personally, stay out of God’s way.

Andrew didn’t teach Peter about Jesus.  He brought Peter to Jesus.  Peter was convinced that Jesus was the Christ by what he heard and saw. 

Invite people so they can see the actions of Jesus and hear His words and be convinced themselves.  Don’t pre-judge, just bring people to Jesus.  Many of the people that the crowds least expected to follow Jesus, followed Him, and many who the crowds expected to follow Jesus didn’t.

Much love!

Wes LeFlore or (918) 607-8489