The Impossible
The Grand Canyon is magnificent and it cannot be described in words. The Lord our God is far and wide and beyond the imagination more magnificent than The Grand Canyon. How does one even begin?
The Hard Questions
Some questions cannot be answered simply, but that doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t be answered. The problem is, we live in a world where complicated answers are often not tolerated.
The Church?
As we’ve been studying the birth of the Lord’s Church in the first chapters of the Book of Acts, and discussing how the ideal thing for us is to capture the same essence, the same attitudes, and the same devotions as the first century Church, you may have noticed a word that is conspicuously missing from the text.
A Special Contribution
This Sunday, there will be a special collection made for Orphans Lifeline International. This is a mission effort that has been supported by our church family since before I came, and one that I think is a wonderful work to support.
Fellowship Events
I’m very excited about the resurgence of fellowship events in the church. I must say, the BBQ fellowship has to be my all-time favorite fellowship. We’ll definitely revisit that…
Bizarre Beliefs
Can you imagine someone trying to convince you that they are in the military when they aren’t?
They have their arguments. They tell you that there is a military, that it exists and they can prove to you that it exists.
They tell you that they love the military and they can tell you several facts about it.
They show you a uniform they purchased from Army Surplus, along with some MRE’s (Meals Ready-to- Eat), and even a rifle.
We know, of course, that all of these things, in no way, mean that you are in the military.
Passing It On
One of the most neglected disciplines in our current world is the passing on of knowledge. The reason that I call it a discipline is because the passing on of what we know often does not come naturally, or easily, but rather, through deliberate, and intentional effort.
Identity Through Association
One of the most interesting things I have observed regarding human psychology is the different people and groups that people associate with and why.
Back to Westview
Today a small group from the church will be traveling to Westview Boys Home for five days of mission work. This will be our third trip to Westview. We don’t know exactly what lay in store for us, but that’s just part of the adventure of missions.
We know that, based upon our group, we’ll likely be doing something that can be classified loosely under the title of construction.