Many Thanks!



I love that the Lord loves celebrations.  The Lord loves celebrations so much that He commanded several celebrations in the Old Testament law.

We typically don’t call them celebrations, but instead, we call them what the Bible calls them, Feasts. If I’m honest, I don’t even like celebrations that are not also feasts.


The Church That Fails

There’s no shortage of articles about the failure of the church in The United States.  Churches are closing their doors at a record rate, and especially in small towns.  The Christian Chronicle news publication has even been documenting the closings of small churches across the country in recent articles.


The Conclusion

We have reached a momentous moment as a church family.  We have reached the end of the Book of Matthew.  I have had a handful of other temporary series and lessons mixed in with the Matthew series over the last four years, so it’s hard to calculate exactly how many lessons we’ve had, but I think we’ve had around 3 ½ years, at least, of studying Matthew’s gospel alone.


The Providence of God

Did you know that the most amazing miracles recorded in Scripture are not the ones that you are most familiar with?

To me, the greatest miracles of God can be summed up by Romans 8:28 –

28 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.


Around the Next Corner

Some of the most common phrases I’ve said in my adventuring life are, “Let’s just see what’s around the next corner,” or “Let’s not turn back now, we might miss something great that’s just ahead.”

There may be some different variations of that same sentiment, but the motivating force is the same every time, no matter how it’s said.


The Danger We Don’t See

The Danger We Don’t See

Anyone who knows me knows how much I love adventure.  What I love about adventure isn’t necessarily the risks that usually accompany it, but simply the unknown.

It’s the unknown that makes an adventure.  It’s in the unknown that risk lies. 

A little bit of risk is fun.  Too much risk is terrifying and no fun.


Follow Me

A Bible verse that comes to my mind very often is the teaching of Jesus, If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me (Luke 9:23).

I’ve learned that it’s more of a state of mind than a physical reality in my life, but even as a state of mind, it’s still a real teaching of Jesus, so as such, how can I apply it?


Back to the Jungle

As of this past Thursday night, The Park Church of Christ, my old church from Tulsa, was in the process of purchasing airline tickets to Honduras.

If it’s God’s will, and all goes according to plan, Rex and I will join four other men from my old church to go on a mission trip on June 11-18.


Busy Busy Busy

I often find myself asking myself the question, “How did I get myself into this situation?” But I’m not talking about bad situations, I’m simply talking about busyness.  At what point does a person become too busy though?

Somehow, every day on my calendar, for seemingly the entire summer, has become filled with obligations.